Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

Renting Referrals

To try and make more with 2 PTC websites I joined I have decided to invest $20.00 dollars. It works out to spending $10.00 on each website to rent 50 referrals. I am hoping I make my money back plus some extras.


April 23 is when I got my rented referrals from Neobux. Take a look at the picture below of my current stats.

 It is not a huge change but $4.56 is better then the 12 cents I had earned. I invested $10 bucks and get these referrals for a month. It seems slow earning but I think I will make over my money back which is my main goal to test it and see how it goes.

The Bux

Today I spent $10.00 dollars on 50 referrals for The Bux website. So far this I have found is quicker to earn from my own clicks. So these are my current stats

Now I do not have a picture to show for referral clicks but when I do I will share that too. Of course each website gives other sources to earn money but I mostly stick with the grid game, viewing ads and trying to get signups. I will have another post within a week or 2 about my progress with the rented referrals or I may make a video, I haven't decided! Be sure to stay tuned. :)

Signup To TheBux here!

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